UPSI first 107 teachers diploma

A total of 107 teachers (Tabika) Community Development Department (Kemas) obtained a Diploma of Early Childhood Education both at the convocation ceremony of the University Teaching Sultan Idris (UPSI) to-13 here, which begins today.

They were the first group of successful teachers of Kemas kindergartens completed their studies at UPSI with other graduates of 5.340 acquire a diploma, bachelor, master and doctorate (PhD) respectively at the ceremony which lasted for five days.

Certificates presented Chancellor of UPSI, Tuanku Bainun. Also present were his son, Raja Datuk Seri Azureen Sultan Azlan Shah and Vice Chancellor of UPSI, Assoc. Dr. Aminah Ayob.

The ceremony also saw the Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf and prominent educator, Assoc. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid receive honorary dedication.

Teachers of kindergartens in the town of Three Chini, Pahang, Norizan Abu Bakar, 45, said he was busy in guiding preschool children in the nursery were never put his spirit to pursue a higher level.

He said, passion, depth of knowledge and skills in his career never waned despite the upset before the diploma was obtained from a private college not recognized by any party.

"I admit that was sad after so much time and money being wasted to get a diploma before.

"But after that I determined to forget the matter and looked forward to developing my potential thus providing valuable input to the children of my students," he said.

His friend, Azizan Ibrahim, 39, also through the same experience was disappointed but the presence of family members, especially husbands and children have prompted him to respond to government recommendations that educators seem to appreciate the concept of lifelong learning.

"Education is important in our efforts to improve their potential and promote social mobility. I call upon the teachers of Kemas kindergartens  like me to follow us to strengthen the country's education system," says Nurul Ehsan, Petaling Jaya.

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