Somalia famine crisis assistance

In a statement today, Wisma Putra said the United Nations (UN) has declared a drought crisis in northeastern Africa has reached a jagged and affecting the lives of people there.

Malaysian government has make a Foreign Ministry Disaster Fund to collect donations from the public to be distributed to victims of the drought crisis in Somalia.

The prolonged drought crisis a decade and the worst in 60 years has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of Somali citizens more vulnerable to severe famine.

"If this crisis is not addressed now, it is feared may spread to other areas in the northeast of Africa," the statement said.

UN has appealed for international assistance extended a financial assistance because of RM3.6 billion needed for humanitarian assistance to save more lives in the affected areas.

Wisma Putra said the government welcomes the involvement and participation of people donated to help victims.

Contributions may be channeled through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to check the name

"Foreign Ministry Disaster Fund" and addressed to: Chief Accountant, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2nd Floor, Building No. WP2. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra, 62602 Putrajaya or can call 03-88874251 or 03-88892924.

Cash contributions can be sent directly in the envelope to the counter next to the Consular Section at Wisma Putra or the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations in Jalan Wisma Putra.

Contributors eligible for tax exemption under the Income Tax Act 1967 and an official receipt will be issued. - Bernama

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